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Compact V/f Control Drive


200 V Class, Three-Phase Input: 0.1 to 5.5 kW.

200 V Class, Single-Phase Input: 0.1 to 2.2 kW.

400 V Class, Three-Phase Input: 0.2 to 5.5 kW.



Compact V/f Control Drive

Drive Specifications

Note: For optimum performance life of the drive, install the drive in an environment that meets the environmental conditions.

Item Specification
Control Characteristics Control Method V/f Control
Frequency Control Range 0.01 to 400 Hz
Frequency Accuracy Digital input: within ±0.01% of the max output frequency (-10 to +50 °C) Analog input: within ±0.5% of the max output frequency (25 °C ±10 °C)
Frequency SettingResolution Digital inputs: 0.01 HzAnalog inputs: 1/1000 of maximum output frequency
Output FrequencyCalculation Resolution 1/220 x Maximum output frequency (E1–04)
Frequency Setting Signal Main frequency reference: 0 to +10 Vdc (20 kΩ), 4 to 20 mA (250 Ω), 0 to 20 mA (250 Ω)
Starting Torque 150%/3 Hz
Speed Control Range 1: 20~40
Accel/Decel Time 0.00 to 6000.0 s (allows four separate settings for accel and decel)
Braking Torque Instantaneous Average Decel Torque <1> : 0.1/0.2 kW: over 150%, 0.4/0.75 kW: over 100%, 1.5 kW: over 50%, 2.2 kW and above: over 20%Continuous Regen Torque: 20%,125% with a Braking Resistor Unit <2> : (10% ED) 10 s with an internal braking resistor.
V/f Characteristics User-set, programmable.
Functions • Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru• Speed Search• Multi-Step Speed (9 steps max)• Accel/Decel Time Switch• S-Curve Accel/Decel• 2-Wire/3-Wire Sequence• Cooling Fan ON/OFF• Slip Compensation• Torque Compensation• Jump Frequencies (reference dead band)• Frequency Reference Upper/Lower Limit• DC Injection Braking (start and stop)• Overexcitation Braking• Fault Reset
Protection Functions Motor Protection Motor overheat protection via output current sensor
Overcurrent Protection Drives stops when output exceeds 200% of the rated current (Heavy Duty)
Overload Protection A stop command will be entered after operating at 150% for 60 s (Heavy Duty) <3>
Overvoltage Specification 200 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approximately 410 V400 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approximately 820 V
Low Voltage Protection Drive stops when DC bus voltage falls below the levels indicated:190 V (3-phase 200 V), 160 V (single-phase 200 V), 380 V (3-phase 400 V), 350 V (3-phase 380 V)
Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Stops after 15 ms
Heatsink OverheatProtection Protected by thermistor
Braking Resistor OverheatProtection Overheat input signal for braking resistor (Optional ERF-type, 3% ED)
Stall Prevention During acceleration and during run: Separate settings for each type of stall prevention determine the current level at which stall prevention is triggered.During deceleration: Select, enable/disable.
Cooling Fan FailureProtection Circuit protection (“fan-lock” sensor)
Ground Fault Protection Electronic circuit protection <4>
DC Bus Charge LED Remains lit until DC bus voltage falls below 50 V


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