KUBLER Signal Splitter SP 1SC 2SC2D

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  • Diffusing signals without loss.
  • The transformation of SinCos to digital.
  • simultaneous output signals, maximum.



KUBLER Signal Splitter SP 1SC 2SC2D

Signals from SinCos encoders or measuring systems are distributed to several terminals using the SP 1SC-2SC2D signal splitter without any loss or issues. It has two incremental (HTL or TTL/RS422) outputs and two SinCos outputs. SinCos signals or incremental pulses can be used to regulate connected terminals.On a typical DIN rail inside the control cabinet, the module is quickly and simply attached.


  • Encoder supply 5 V or 24 V (switchable).
  • Encoder signal input in the 1 Vpp format: SIN+ / SIN- / COS+ / COS- / REF+ / REF-.
  • Two SinCos outputs with the same format as the input.
  • Two incremental outputs in the format A, /A, B, /B, 0, /0 individual.
  • Adjustable for TTL/RS422 or HTL level (10 … 30 V DC).
  • Maximum SinCos input frequency 500 kHz.
Dimension 22 mm x 102 mm x 102 mm
Working temperature 0 °C … 45 °C
Protection level IP20
Connection types Screw terminals
Sub-D connector
Input interfaces SinCos
Output interfaces TTL / RS422
Inputs coding Sin+, Sin-, Cos+, Cos-, Ref+, Ref-, 0
Outputs coding A, B, 0
Sin+, Sin-, Cos+, Cos-, Ref+, Ref-
A, A|, B, B|, 0, 0|
Input frequency 500.000 Hz
Output frequency 500.000 Hz
Power supply 17…30 V DC
SinCos input X5
Amplitude 0.8 … 1.2 Vpp
Offset 2 … 3 V DC
Tracks Sin+, Sin-, Cos+, Cos-, Ref+, Re
Frequency max. 500 kHz
Termination 120 Ohm (present internally)
Type of connection Sub-D male contacts, 9-pin
SinCos outputs X1, X3
Number of outputs 2
Amplitude 0.8 … 1.2 Vpp
Offset approx. 2.5 V DC
Tracks Sin+, Sin-, Cos+, Cos-, Ref+, Ref
Termination 120 Ohm(required on the target device)
Type of connection Sub-D female contacts, 9-pin