Customers can choose from the widest selection of safety switchgear systems and devices available anywhere in the world thanks to the Schmersal Group. The company is firmly on the side of workplace safety through its broad portfolio, and one of its major business operations is the development and manufacture of cutting-edge parts, systems, and solutions.

More than 25,000 products for safety door monitoring are available from Schmersal, including solenoid interlocks, safety sensors, safety switches with separate actuators, and devices for rotating protective equipment. Opto-electronic safety equipment, such as safety light barriers, light grids, and curtains to help guard hazard spots on machines and other hazardous areas, is also included in the portfolio. Schmersal also creates and produces systems for safe signal processing, such as safety relay modules, safety modules, and programmable modular safety controllers that can be connected to mechanical and electronic safety switchgear such as light grids, emergency stop switches, and safety door switches.